Category Archives: Extended

Blah-blah-blah #001.2/2

This entry was inspired by: the first one. It’s basically an expansion of it.

So I’ve recently developed a habit of traipsing through boards and forums. There I leave long-winded replies to whatever post or comment which topic inspires me to form strong opinions about. Well, it’s only one place in particular, really, since I can’t be arsed to sign up to different ones.

In other words, I’ve taken to trolling the IMDB boards with long, inane responses no one really give two shits about but I want to leave behind anyway. I do it just so I can get the things off my chest or out of my head enough to move on sans the feeling of something lingering persistently on my mind. And from this entry alone, you get the idea of how rambly I get. Imagine having all this just sitting there and taking up already limited headspace. Not that it’s prime real estate in here or anything like that but space is space and I need it. So regardless of whether or not people are bothering to read them, I leave them down anyway. This works better than keeping a diary or a journal for me, and it’s pretty darn therapeutic, to boot.

This then spread to traipsing around other people’s blogs and leaving rambly, probably unwelcome comments on their posts, most of which are dated years back. Naturally I wasn’t going to get any response but that’s okay, since my only aim was to unload anyway. But they started to look really ridiculous not just in length but as recent comments to posts that were made ages ago that, after all the effort I’ve put in to type out, were just going to be ignored. And since most of these rambles are either directly about or at least have vaguely something to do with an actor I’m now very smitten with (after a few years of very veeery gradually but steadily growing on me), I thought I’d start a blog where I’ll post all these comments instead, and impose my thoughts on like-minded individuals whom I hope won’t mind the imposition so much seeing as we’re like-minded and all. And even if none of these like-minded individuals find their way here, well, I can always soothe myself thinking that it looks a tad less pathetic when I’m rambling to myself on a blog which is at least my own.

I don’t know how long I’m able to keep this up, as I’m not much of a blogger, if you can even properly call what I’ll be doing here blogging. It’s really what I described above. Exactly. This introduction is probably as close to a proper blog entry as I’m ever going to get. What you’ll likely be seeing here are spurts of long responses triggered  by some forum or blog post or another like I’m having some kind of thought diarrhea. This will then likely trickle down to sporadic hurls which may or may not then escalate back to a litany of mind-numbing ramblings which may then suddenly drop off into a long silence that may or may not be broken.

Whichever way this ends up, I’m gunna give it a proper bash.
